Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Introducing Web Directions Code, Melbourne in May

If you just read our blog here, you might think it’s been a little quiet since Web Dirctions South last year. But we have in fact just finished a 4 city roadshow with workshops by Andy Clarke and me (John Allsopp) as well as our second round of What do you know, this time visiting Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

We’ve always loved the coding side of the web here at Web Directions, and our conferences have always had a strong developer track. But with so much going on and so much on the horizon, we’ve decided that in 2012 developers need their very own event as well. So we’re very excited to announce a brand new show, Web Directions Code, this year in Melbourne on May 23 and 24.

Read on for more details, but take note, there will of course be Web Directions South in Sydney in October, as there has been since 2006!

Why Web Directions Code?

As the web becomes increasingly application like, and the capabilities of HTML5 and other web technologies become ever more sophisticated, we thought it was time to put together an event that focusses entirely on code. Web Directions Code features a fantastic international and local lineup, including

  • Paul Irish (HTML5 Rocks, ModernizR, HTML5 Boilerplate and much more)
  • Divya Manian (HTML5 Please, CSS3 Please, HTML5 Boilerplate)
  • Rob Hawkes (Game developer and Mozilla technical lead on gaming)
  • Dave Johnson (originator of the phoneGap project)

Basically, if it’s well supported in browsers and devices, and empowers you to do awesome stuff, then we’ll be covering it

Day one is dedicated to HTML5 as an application platform, with sessions on Browser Device APIs, HTML5 Audio and Video, touch events for mobile and tablet devices, offline web apps, HTML5 messaging, the History API, HTML5 technologies for game and interactive application development and more.

Day two is Australia’s first in-depth, JavaScript focussed day, with sessions on Node.js, debugging, performance, client-side templating languages like Mustache, Dust.js, Handlebars.js, Underscore.js, event libraries and more.

If you build things with web technologies, then Web Directions Code is for you: see you there! Just don’t forget to register with that discount code before April 15. It’s just $799 before then. And if you’ve been before to a web directions event, it’s even cheaper. If you didn’t receive an email with your discount code, drop us a line now!

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

Learn more about us

Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney