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Code ’21 First speakers announced

Today we’re announcing the first of our speakers for the 2021 edition of our long running Code conference, taking place September 17 and 24–like all our other conferences this year, it’s online. Read on for details and a special offer for you.

Just a reminder too that Global Scope our brand new 100% JavaScript focussed conference is coming up in a couple of weeks, August 6 and 13, and we’ve got a great offer for that below.

Tailored for Online
All of our conferences are tailored to the reality of our online lives–with a unique format,  4 hour sessions across two weeks, with a lively side chat channel, give aways and more. Why not set aside a few hours on a Friday afternoon to update your knowledge?

World leading experts
The focus of Code this year is PWAs and the Web platform–our speaker lineup includes browser and standards developers and will keep you up to date with the ever increasing capabilities of the Web platform, as well as best practices to ensure your web apps get the greatest possible distribution, installation, and engagement.

The State and Future of PWAs
The term ‘PWA’ was first heard on stage anywhere at our Code conference in 2015, when Alex Russell asked “What comes next for the Web Platform?”. How prescient he was, with PWAs now central in how many web experiences are delivered. This year,  Alex returns to open the conference, to look back and then forward–so get way ahead of the curve, once again, with Alex’s insights and vision.

We’ll also hear from Hemanth HM, author of the most recent Web Almanac chapter on PWAs, to gain a deeper understanding on how PWAs are bring deployed in the real world today, to help benchmark your development practices.

Deploying and Distributing your Web Apps
One of the promises of PWAs, and their goal of greater parity with native applications, is the ability for users to install them on their devices. How do we go about ensuring the best possible chance of that happening? Penny McLachlan from the Chrome Web Platform will take us through current best practices in getting users to install your PWA.
We’ll also have a roundup of the latest in PWAs and App Stores – learn what’s possible (and what’s not) when distributing your Web Apps to Apple’s App Store, Google Play and Microsoft Store.

New Web Platform Features
The Web Platform constantly evolves, and a hallmark of our Code conferences has always been keeping you up to date with these developments. Code ’21 will bring you sessions on Web ComponentsFile System access and client side storageAR and VR on the Web, Speech, Temporal (a brand new standard for doing dates and time), and much more, ensuring you’re across the current state of the Web and its capabilities.

Take a look at our first round of speakers, with more to come, and stay up to date with the Web Platform at Code.

2 by 4 Table of speakers for the conference

Ujjwal Sharma
Compilers Hacker

How to outsmart time: Building futuristic JavaScript applications using Temporal

Ada Rose Cannon
Developer Advocate, co-chair
Samsung Internet, W3C Immersive Web Groups
The State of Augmented Reality in the Web Platform

Ben Taylor
Full-Stack Developer
Practical uses for Web Components

Eva PenzeyMoog
Principal Designer, Author
8th Light, Design for Safety
Safety, Justice, Compassion: Shifting the Tech Paradigm

Penny McLachlan
Product Manager
Chrome Web Platform, Google
Web app installs: Why, when, how

Hemanth HM
Member Of Technical Staff
The State of PWAs

Ningxin Hu
Principal Engineer
What could you do with a neural network in your browser?

Thomas Steiner
Developer Relations Engineer
The 2021 edition of dealing with files on the Web

In 2022 we have a whole series of events for Front End Developers

Across 2022 Web Directions is presenting our series of online conferences for front end designers and developers. Focussed deep dives, they go far beyond what you might expect from conference programs.

Learn more and register now

banners for all of our 2022 events

Priced individually from $195, or attend all 6, plus get access to our conference presentation platform Conffab for just $595, or $59 a month.

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney