Design Could this really be the Ultimate Guide to Web Type? Oliver Reichtenstein urges us to Sweep the Sleaze and get rid of those ubiquitous Like, Retweet, and +1 buttons. Development A fantastic resource: recordings of screen readers using web page components that do and do not make use of WAI-ARIA. Understanding the CSS3 transforms […]
Design Dieter Rams’ ten principles, from the era of industrial design, can be usefully applied to web design as well. Generous write up from Veerle of a presentation she gave on the experimentation phase of a design project. This kind of thing can be extremely hard to articulate, but Veerle really goes the extra mile […]
James will discuss the architecture of datacenters, the subjectivity of Google Street View, and the pixelation of everything, in an attempt to calibrate our new position in the world.
My session focuses on what I call — ‘The Interaction Design Bauhaus’. It discusses this growing minimalist, ‘form follows data’ trend in UX and compares it to historical phenomenon that occurred in the early 1900’s in the form of the industrial design Bauhaus movement.
The session will draw on research projects and visions of the future to sketch out the possibilities of this new design space, and how current web practices can be translated into a future where using the world as a canvas will change information visualisation and access all over again.
In a fireside chat, Seb and Luke from the Powerhouse Museum will talk candidly about some of the current challenges and future directions in this space — and how you might be able to help.
The key focuses of this session will be accessibility, searchable media, and enriching existing multimedia experiences with timed data, all with a liberal application of flashy eye-candy. And of course we’re using the freshly minted Timed Text Track specification, soon appearing in a browser near you!
In this presentation, we overview the basic set of technologies that can be used to annotate web pages so that they can be processed by data-aware search engines.
During this session we will demonstrate some early prototypes and experiments, key uses of Linked Data, practical publishing tools and discuss how this work is unfolding inside one of Australia’s major collecting institutions.